It often seems so crystal clear that, perhaps, the most important teaching of all time are these three simple words. Considering that the middle word is simply a 'function', that seems to leave us with some sort of a divine message from another planet, almost. Some all wise intelligence there to guide us. Peace, Earth. Earth, Peace.

So often, we put 'peace on earth' of on a far horizon. We're taught that we need to be waiting for some prophecy's time, or for all of 'the enemies' to surrender, or for a retribution to occur first, or on and on and on. Ultimately the peace that is most important in the world is the peace that lives in each of us. 'Acceptance of how things are' as a condition for us for us to have a sense of 'inner peace', as many theological traditions assert, is perhaps one of the largest challenges that each of us face. It doesn't mean, at all, giving up on more compassionate acts, more truthful words, more love in the world, or so many wonderful things. It means not being crabby or pessimistic, and hoping and be willing to work towards helping to make things way better, in terms of how we treat and consider one another. 

As I mentioned a few blogs ago, the youth sang this along with Joan Ballantyne's singers at the Christmas tree and bell ringing ceremony at the Dundas town hall, and for this joyous occasion, there were all children and youth singing. The words are super easy and everyone who was new to it learned the song quickly. In the version we presented in the sanctuary, however, our tenor soloist, Len Barry begins this song.

The reason that I felt it was important to have a senior's voice for the opening verse of this is that if 'peace' is important to pledge within our lifetime, that pledge must be a commitment within our deepest sense of self. A lifetime is not simply a destination, but it is so importantly in the now. Our lifetimes are taking place constantly in the 'now' and perhaps the angels message of 'Peace on Earth' means that it is up to each of us to bring about the 'Peace on Earth' message here, now on earth, and believe that this feeling and sense of a purpose can be spread in exponential ways, right in this moment in time. 

Peace on Earth (In this moment in time)
In this lifetime, in my lifetime,
There will be peace on earth
In this lifetime, in my lifetime,
There will be peace on earth
In this moment in time 
In this moment in time
May this light for all shine
In this moment in time 
In this moment in time 
In this moment in time
May this light for all shine
In this moment in time 

We believe, in this lifetime
We'll put our faith in love
In this lifetime, in this lifetime
We'll put our faith in love

In this moment in time 
In this moment in time
May this light for all shine
In this moment in time 
In this moment in time 
In this moment in time
May this light for all shine
In this moment in time 

Written by David A. Buckley (SOCAN) © 2006 all rights reserved