Palm Branches

It isn’t often in childhood that you can really cut loose in a church sanctuary. Shake it up, sing, hoot a little, do some fancy steps. Psalm Sunday can be one of the top events for kids of all ages in the Liturgical year, another being, the Christmas pageant,...

All the Best to You

All the Best to You - by the Buckley Family     Each year our family creates a card to mail out to friends, based on a song written by Dave, and through the past few years, recorded by everyone. This year’s project took a little longer than usual, and...

Since days of long ago

All of you must certainly have a whole raft of new year’s day experiences and moments of memory. We’ve been living in London, Ontario for close to 7 years and one of the many things that London is known for is that it’s the birthplace of Guy...

It came upon a midnight clear

The last day of the year tends to be a time of reflection and at almost the same instance, a time of anticipation. For many of us, this includes reviewing some past mistakes we’ve made perhaps, or some unfortunate events that have happened to us. We formulate...

Lessons and Carols

As promised to a number of friends at OPC, the Lessons and Carols portion from last year’s Christmas Eve Service has finally gone through a file recovery and editing process. It will be posted on Youtube, which seems to be the simplest and most obvious way to...